Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Princess Cookies

Do you have a wee one at home who's itchin to get their baking groove on? My daughter, Ashley, enjoys watching us bake cupcakes and is always wanting to get in on the action. Here is our story about having a mommy/daughter baking afternoon!! Although we're not creating cupcakes, this is an easy baking solution for including the little bakers in our lives. Cookies, here we come!! 1st we have the simple Toll House cookie package...
As you can see, it's a great way to have your young baker help you put the cookies on the tray. Plus you can avoid worrying about making too big of blobs of cookie mix since it's little pull apart squares!
Follow the directions on the package for cooking temperature. The kitchen smells delicious which lets me know when they are done. Usually the directions are too long for baking. Always check on them a few minutes ahead of time. Even if they're all puffy, by the time it cools on the baking sheet, it will allow them to cook a little more and give you that gooey cookie texture!

Homemade frosting time! Honestly, use your taste buds as a guide. Powdered sugar, a little milk, 1 tsp of vanilla extract and some red dye (for the pink of course). You can add more powdered sugar to thicken your frosting or add more milk to thin out. Stir and then you're ready to frost!!

And for the next part...decorating
Messy or not, here comes fun!!
Let your kid goop up the cookies with the frosting they just created.
Throw on some sprinkles too :)

Add your favorite crown and show off your own cookies fit for a Princess!

Kid tested! Momma approved! LOL.
Hope you will enjoy baking with your kids as much as I do :)

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